Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hot Cocoa

Who doesn't love hot cocoa?!  I'm pretty sure that it's something we all grow up drinking and then as we get older... due to society's ideals, we ween ourselves off the hot chocolatey goodness to drink more "adult" beverages.

Well as the temperatures start to drop, I'm sticking my tongue out to those ideals and hoping you'll do the same as I share a delicious Hot Cocoa recipe with you!  It's so easy and makes enough that you can share with someone else or... if you're a choco-holic like me... keep it all for yourself!

My secret ingredient?  Silk Coconut Milk.  (Original flavor) Of course if you are allergic change the milk to your choice of vegan milks.  But if you want to have a little extra (subtle) happiness in your mouth, try the coconut milk!

4 Tbsp. sugar
3 Tbsp. Unsweetened Cocoa (Be sure to check the label to make sure they didn't add any milk!)
2 1/3 cups plain non-dairy (COCONUT... Or soy, almond, or rice) milk
½ tsp. vanilla extract

Combine sugar, cocoa and cinnamon (if using) in a small saucepan.
Gently stir in milk.
Warm over medium heat, stirring or whisking constantly, until hot. Do not boil.
Remove from heat and stir in vanilla. 
Pour into mugs and top off with vegan marshmallows or vegan whipped cream if you like!

**It's very important to remove from heat before you stir in the vanilla extract, as extracts are alcohol based and cooking it will cook out the flavor. 

YUM HAPPY FALL!!! Get ready for some more yummy fall treats coming soon to my blog! (Soups, Beverages, Breads, and other fall flavors!)


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