Saturday, May 30, 2015

Sausage w/ Brussels Sprouts "Kraut"

It's been a long day full of excitement-- I hit 30k views!

I've been on a huge @FieldRoast kick recently. (Particularly their Apple Sage Sausage. Literally have eaten one every day for the past 2wks...) But tonight, I stepped it up a notch. I posted a picture of it on Instagram (as I do with almost everything I make/eat) and was DROOLING!! :-) As promised Christine, this one is for you!  Read more

It's Time...

Well... After four and a half years, and now 30,000+ views, I am coming out of hiding! The "vegan Banksy" is no more! 

"Hey y'all I'm Kaiti, the creator/writer/designer behind Tasty Kaiti's. I never dreamed that people would actually read this blog let alone keep coming back for more!! It has grown to become not only a place for recipes and stories... but now I've got merchandise, videos, and more coming. Please head over to my website: for more fun stuff that can't be seen here!"

Thank you for all of the support! I can't wait to come up with what's next!! ~Kaiti

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Corn Salad

"I Could Never Be Vegan… it’s too expensive!!!"

First off, if you haven’t seen my friend Sara’s video: “5 Things Vegetarians are Sick of Hearing” you need to! “I could never go vegan” is one of them. I’m not asking anyone to become a vegan… All I suggest is “Taste This!” For some reason, there is a stereotype about vegan food, and I’m out to change that mindset! Read How!

(You've been warned!)


Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Kentucky Derby

"There are people here who spend all year waiting for today. People who care about this day as much as anything else in the world. For us, it's about pride in where we're from, and who we are, and understanding that these two minutes... are timeless. It all started before anyone alive can remember but it's easy to see why The Derby came to be here, in Kentucky, and not anywhere else. Why it belongs here. Why it endures here.
The Bluegrass, that's actually as green as any horse could dream of grazing on. The limestone that sets the taste of bourbon apart, the instant you put it to your lips. The sense of style that dares you to be different and is always sure to welcome you in.
And that's just the start of what makes THIS day at THIS place UNLIKE anything else in the world. and why if you love racing, and you love parties... if you love the action and the energy and the soul of life itself, today feels like home.
Who's going to win? It could be anyone of them. What's going to happen? That's the point, no one knows. So welcome back to Churchill Downs on the first Saturday of May. Where the story of the Kentucky Derby continues with chapter 141. Around here we wait for today all year long! The race, the party and the reminder of how it feels to be part of a celebration so timeless!"

-Ashley Judd's opening for NBC's Derby Coverage. 

And for the perfect Derby Day Recipe... My Vegan Kentucky Hot Brown! Get the Recipe Here

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Enchiladas segunda parte (part 2)

Last time I posted an enchilada recipe, I went 100% veg... Which, if you follow my blog, you know that's not really normal. I love to make food that is similar to the stuff I used to eat before I went vegan. Sometimes I do miss the meat... 

Part of the reason I write the recipes I do is to help meat-eaters to try vegan food and prove that they can still eat the foods they love, but by swapping out a few ingredients, they can make it a little healthier. I can't tell you how many times... READ MORE

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